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Analysis: Blog2

Trends re-imagining the future of work
What’s the future of work and workplaces? In this dynamic, fast-paced world predicting the future is hard even during normal...

The Future of Education in a post-pandemic world
According to the World Economic Forum, not since World War II have so many schools temporarily closed across the world for the same...

5 transformations driving the future of healthcare
The Covid-19 crisis is far from over. Its impact is going to be felt even decades from now. Some things will never go back to what it was...

International Day of Epidemic Preparedness- 5 things governments should do to be better prepared
It's been well over a year since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei province. The virus has so...

Did you know that 2 in every 5 adults who are over the age of or the age of 65 have disabilities?
December 3rd is International People of Disabilities Day. I think that this day needs more awareness because it is, unfortunately, true...

Stress, low self-esteem, and cyberbullying are troubling our youth
Cyberbullying is one of the biggest threats to today’s youth. Today’s youth are under a lot of pressure to excel in every walk of life,...

Brave new world
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the reset button on the imagination, scope, and pursuit of ambitions within the young generation. It has...

What legal tech startups are transforming the Future of Justice?
The legal industry so far hasn’t seen a lot of innovation and creativity. The use of technology until recently to has been minimal....

Fair treatment of ethnic minorities must be prioritized in future societal and justice frameworks
The injustice faced in developing and industrialized countries by ethnic communities is a growing problem and we all need to work...

What are the skills that future lawyers need in a post-Covid19 world?
For lawyers, all they had to know was the law like the back of their hands. Now, it’s just one of the requirements of being a lawyer....

Transforming the legal system - Are cyber courts the future of justice?
In this day and age, there are very few things today that can’t be done online. The pandemic has further narrowed the number of things we...

Several thousand heritage sites around the world, are in great danger
The Need for Heritage Site Regeneration Culture and Heritage make a community. It is our past, our present, and hopefully the future that...

Stem cells - the ethical dilemma
A stem cell is a single undifferentiated cell that can either replace itself or differentiate or duplicate into many different types of...

For 20 million indie artists on Youtube, technology advancements have been immensely profitable
The advancements in music technology are creating avenues for increased profitability for artists worldwide. Today's artists are free to...

Streaming partners have transcended the music world - 40,000 tracks are added daily by Spotify alone
Streaming partners have taken over the physical music selling, 75% of the music sales in 2018 were via streaming platforms (Aziz, 2020)...

Machine learning is set to be a game changing influence on the music sector
The music industry has evolved exponentially over the past 30 years with the manner in which music is heard, purchased, and even produced...

70% of the one and a half billion people living in extreme poverty are women and girls
Wireless technology, something that we wouldn’t be able to live without now, something that our lives revolve around, was created by a...

Why biotechnology products are fast-tracking personalized medicine creation
Biotechnology is playing a crucial role in our day to day lives, as we embark on a quest to produce healthcare products incorporating...

Why is the new era in healthcare driven by patient experience?
Healthcare providers ramped up digital capabilities at lighting speed to manage COVID-19 disruption and these capabilities became the...

What does the future look like for mental health in the next 2-3 years?
Impact of Covid-19 on mental health progress Just when mental health was being given the attention it needed by society, the pandemic hit...

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