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Analysis: Blog2
5 ways space exploration is benefiting humanity
How is space exploration benefiting humanity? Satellites so far have provided a lot of information to us so far and with the advent of...
How technology is revolutionising healthcare for humanity
Scientists on behalf of humanity, are tremendously hopeful that technology can improve health outcomes and increase overall life...
Autism: viewing the world from a different perspective
Autism is not a disability, it is a different ability. It is a different perspective to do things. Autism technically speaking means a...
Epidemic Preparedness- How prepared are we for the next epidemic?
Epidemic Preparedness- How prepared are we for the next epidemic? It's been well over a year since the first case of Covid-19 was...
4 ways international cooperation can help overcome future epidemics
Importance of international cooperation and multilateralism The COVID-19 crisis is an alarming call for multilateralism and international...
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in healthcare
We all have heard and read about the wonders technology is doing in other industries. It is increasingly proving to be an integral part...
5 challenges of telehealth and telemedicine
Despite several advantages, widespread implementation of telehealth poses a great challenge. Below are some of them. Payment -...
How did COVID-19 impact healthcare?
The healthcare industry has displayed sheer resilience and the ability to react quickly to humanity's worst crisis in the last century....
5 transformations driving the future of healthcare
The Covid-19 crisis is far from over. Its impact is going to be felt even decades from now. Some things will never go back to what it was...
International Day of Epidemic Preparedness- 5 things governments should do to be better prepared
It's been well over a year since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei province. The virus has so...
Stem cells - the ethical dilemma
A stem cell is a single undifferentiated cell that can either replace itself or differentiate or duplicate into many different types of...
Why biotechnology products are fast-tracking personalized medicine creation
Biotechnology is playing a crucial role in our day to day lives, as we embark on a quest to produce healthcare products incorporating...
Why is the new era in healthcare driven by patient experience?
Healthcare providers ramped up digital capabilities at lighting speed to manage COVID-19 disruption and these capabilities became the...
What does the future look like for mental health in the next 2-3 years?
Impact of Covid-19 on mental health progress Just when mental health was being given the attention it needed by society, the pandemic hit...
Who’s responsible for mental health? What’s your role?
Mental health is everyone’s responsibility, the government, schools, workplaces, communities, and even non-governmental/not for-profit...
Is Covid-19 the real pandemic? Think again...
A conversation on mental health Homeworks, assignments, midterms, projects, guitar classes, and preparing for the next interschool...
Generic drugs are not a choice, but a necessity in providing healthcare for all
The #Covid-19 pandemic has seen significant demand and growth for generic drugs, yet the limited access to basic medicines has caused...
Heartening pharma collaboration during Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has orchestrated a global health crisis, that requires bold thinking and fast action, fast-tracking collaborative...
Blockchain is transforming healthcare, one block at a time
Blockchain is now a mature technology, that has quietened the skeptics by creating layers of trust because it represents a shared record...
How IoT prevented COVID-19 spread
Technology solutions have played a vital role during the Covid-19 pandemic. IoT is one such technology that provided real-time...
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